söndag 26 april 2009

My favourite TV series

It is hard to compare TV series of different genres. If you want to be entertained by a high quality thriller for half an hour, you will probably not choose to watch Family Guy. You are more likely to end up watching 24, Prison Break or Lost, depending on your particular preferences.

My favourite TV series - one of the very few that entices me to watch rerun after rerun, even though I nearly know them by heart – is The Simpsons. How can you not love those hilarious, yellow characters with their overshot jaws? The combination of political and cultural satire, physical comedy, everyday situations and sketches bordering the absurd makes for one of the best quality humour series yet. Just read this quote from when Ralph is told that he is failing English: "Me fail English? That’s unpossible!" This is an absolutely brilliant comment! Or when Homer is surrounded by aliens: "Don’t eat me! I have a wife and kids! Eat them!" These are just a couple of my favourite quotes, which highlights the reason why it is my favourite series – it is very, very funny.

But if I’m not in the mood for comedy, I might want to watch something with action and adventure. I might want to watch MacGyver! This is possibly the coolest series ever to hit television. As long as he has his pocket knife, Macgyver can do anything. Even though it was years since I saw the exciting- and explosion-packed adventures of this clever demolition expert, I remember them very clearly. They were not very relistic, but they were most entertaining.

There are of course other series which has captured my interest, such as Star Trek Voyager, Scrubs and Macken (a Swedish homourseries centred on two mechanics and their gas station). These are very good, but they can not compete with Macgyver or The Simpsons. It will be a while before anything does.

A Simpsons clip:

The Macgyver intro:

2 kommentarer:

  1. Den här kommentaren har tagits bort av skribenten.

  2. First of all I want to say that I enjoyed reading your text and that the assignment is well done. Of course I try to give you some deeper hints.

    Your text is well structured and you made no formal mistakes. Furthermore every paragraph reflects a new idea and their length is not too long, that’s good. The introduction is good, perhaps the thesis statement could be a bit clearer. I also like the conclusion, you add other TV shows you like and compare them to your from above, the Simpsons and Mc Gyver.

    You give a good explanation concerning your favourite TV series. Especially I like your illustrations regarding the Simpsons. In a brief and interesting paragraph you have summed up very good why it is so funny to watch this programme. In addition to that I agree with your opinion that it depends on personal mood, which series fits the best at the moment of watching. Therefore you give good explanations why you like the Simpsons and Mac Gyver.

    Your essay reflects a high level of English. I can’t find obvious mistakes. Moreover I think it’s a good way to use quotations and your choice of the two quotations in the paragraph with the Simpsons is very good because they reflects the humor of this show the best. Therefore I have only two suggestions to make:
    - Paragraph three starts with “but”. We talked about that this word should not open a paragraph which means should not introduce new arguments to the reader. The word “however” would be a better choice for example
    - Also in the beginning of paragraph three you have used “I might want to watch” in two sequenced sentences. Perhaps it was your intention to repeat it with the idea to emphasise your favour of watching McGyver but perhaps think about using something like this: “But if I’m not in the mood for comedy, I might want to watch something with action and adventure, which is of course offered by MacGyver!” This should only be a proposal.

    Kind regards,
