söndag 3 maj 2009

Ignorance of Climate change.

A professor teaching astrobiology at Karlstad University stated in a lecture that the planet still is in an ice age, and that much of the variation of temperature in the past years is standard fluctuation. Now, he did not say that all of the climate changes in the world are caused by these fluctuations alone, merely that according to some research mankind is not the only culprit in the rising temperature. When he had stated this, a student stood up and called him an ignorant idiot. This example shows that even though a lot of people do not take the threat of climate change seriously, there are a few that is so fanatic about it that they do not respect the views of people who disagree with them. This is clearly counterproductive. I believe that this reason – that people take extremely passionate people less seriously – is one of the most prominent reasons why so many does not take climate changes seriously.

My personal opinion is that it shouldn’t matter if we have only ourselves to blame or if we are completely innocent (unlikely). As long as there is a slight chance that we are responsible for the rising temperature, which we very likely are, then we should assume that and take precautions. Certain scientific studies shows that it might not be our fault. This is how science works! Different scientists say different things depending on how they interpret their results, and we should respect their theories. But since in one case we are completely powerless and in the other case we can do something about it, we might as well try to make a difference.

Since I live in Sweden, it is only the attitudes of the Swedish population that I can comment on with acceptable accuracy. In my experience most people are concerned about the environment, but since the effects of climate change isn’t very obvious here, they lack a frame of reference for how bad it could become. When the moderate, practical Swedes hear someone say that we must act NOW, they seem to think: "Wow, slow down, mate. It can’t be that much of a hurry…"

However, this is only one of the reasons for the slow realisation of climate change I can think of. A lot of people is just to comfy driving huge or flashy cars and consumes like there is now tomorrow. Another possible reason might be that making an effort is hard work! People of all classes are much more lazy nowadays, and this spreads to the efforts of protecting the environment. Also, the envy of our neighbours makes it hard for us to take vacations in Norway instead of Thailand, for instance.

I could list more or less obvious reasons all night, but I will finish up with another major factor: the lobbying of huge oil or gas corporations that would simply lose business if to many people tried to conserve resources. These corporations would suffer greatly if to many people shunned their products.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Thank you for your blog, I learn something from your view on the environmental issue!

    About your content, I think you really have many reasons in your mind to explain why the realisation of climate change is so slow. And they are good points too!

    About your structure, I think you can have some improvements. For example, your second and third reason can be written in two paragraphs.

    About your language, I think you have some gammarical mistakes, for example, "much more lazy" should be "much lazier". And some careless mistakes like "to many people" (too many people). Maybe you should proofread your writing after you finish it to avoid these mistakes.

  2. Hej David,

    You had really a lot of good points. I could totally agree with all of them so it was easy to follow your text.

    In my eyes your structure was good. The paragraphs were well chosen.

    Your language was okay, but if you would read your text one more time before posting you could avoid some mistakes.

    Thanks for your text.

