torsdag 28 maj 2009

The best sport in the world

I would like to dedicate my last blog to my favourite sport: ice hockey. The internationally most popular sport is obviously football, and there is no point denying it. However, popularity is a matter opinion, and I find myself estranged from the majority in this matter. Football is nice, but hockey is better! I will now try to explain why it is the best sport in the world.

First of all, it is a team sport. Although individual sports have their charms, there is nothing as exciting as watching or participating in team sports. For the participants, they joy of victory and the depression of defeat are enhanced, because of the close emotional ties to the people you train with every day. This heightened state of emotion is also transferred to the fans and spectators, who share the emotional stress of their team, witch makes team sports more exciting to watch. Also, the dimension of co-operation most often makes team sports more difficult to perform, since you do not have only yourself to depend on. Hence, the effort to win is, most often, greater in team sports than in individual sports, witch makes victory sweeter.

Secondly, hockey belongs to the family of team sports I will call "Ball/Stick-and-ball sports". The more perceptive of you should have notice that there are no balls in ice hockey, but that’s not the point. Hockey players try to force an object into a goal, which is close enough. The beauty of ball/stick-and-ball sports is that you have to control something that is not part of your body while trying to get past your opponents without losing it. This demands, from each player, a level of external control at the same time as they need to maximise the potential of their own bodies. This make these kinds of sport the most interesting to both watch and play.

Lastly, the level of body contact, the speed of the game, the amount of goals scored, The size of the field and the length of the matches are just right in the game of hockey. For example, the size of the football field is to large, to many goals are scored in team handball and basketball, and the level of body contact in floorball are to low. Note that I enjoy watching these sports very much – there is no question that they are awesome sports – but in my opinion, hockey bets them all. Aside from the reasons listed above, the reason why I think so might be that ice hockey is one of the rare sports in which Sweden is amongst the best in the world. Team Sweden, or "three crowns", is the reigning Olympic champions, and in a few weeks the Detroit Red Wings will (hopefully) have won the Stanley cup for the second time in a row with eight Swedish players out of 29. The team captain, Nicklas Lidstrom, was the first European captain to win the Stanley Cup.

All in all, it is my firm opinion that ice hockey is the most entertaining sport to watch, and hence I claim that it is the best sport in the world, in my opinion of course.

1 kommentar:

  1. Content:
    I think you have chosen a topic that fits very well to you. You write about your favourite sport and I could feel your enthusiasm. Furthermore you give some background information which is interesting. I liked reading your text. Well done!
    But you should improve your thesis statement. It should be your opinion – that is what you did – but I think it would sound better without saying “I will try to explain”. Just give a statement. By the way, when saying “try to” it sounds like you are not quite sure about your supportive arguments.
    I think the conclusion is too short in comparison to the other parts of your text. The content of it is good but you could add one or two sentences to make it clearer.

    You have good introductory sentences and topic sentences. This makes it easy to follow.
    Unfortunately you forgot to write the counterargument and therefore also the support and refutation of it. Do not forget this the next time.

    It was easy to read your text. All in all your English is good. You only have some spelling and word order mistakes.

    1st paragraph:
    -matter OF opinion is better
    -no exclamation points
    2nd paragraph:
    -witch is wrong: which
    - most often makes: without most better
    3rd paragraph:
    -first sentence: between sports and I a “that”
    -“Ball/Stick – and ball sports” – I think no capital letters and two times “ball”? is that right?
    -More perceptive of you – sounds wrong, never heard before
    -Last sentence: this makeS – with the s
    4th paragraph:
    -Too large, too many… with two o
    -First sentence: the size of the field – no capital letter in “the”
    -Hockey beats them all – not bets …
    -Is the reigning Olympic champion – without a s in the end of “champion”
    5th paragraph:
    -Last part “in my opinion of course” – not necessary, you say the same thing in the beginning of the sentence
